Born of a mortal woman and the most ancient of demons, Kye Vakurseth the Prince of Pain has lived a long, complicated, and tortured life. Kye resists his demonic corruption with all his might, no matter how badly it tears him apart within, choosing to embrace his human soul. Despite his terrifying appearance and prowess in battle, Kye is kind and gentle. But within him lives the dark power of the archdemon Akhoman... and he cannot always resist his true nature.
After escaping the untold horrors of the Underworld, facing the terrors of Nidavellir, and at last reaching the mortal realm, Kye has been distraught to learn that the demons were right: mortals are all inexorably drawn toward sin. Now he struggles to survive among Men who would slay him, calling him the beast and a monster, and rightfully so. Yet all Kye wants is the impossible: he wants to be human. Despite such treatments, Kye still sees the best in all the mortal races - most of the time.
Even if his own eternal and undying darkness may be fated to take him someday, Kye will not give in without a fight... and he will never stop trying to conquer it to become a force for good.
At his heart, Kye is virtuous. He struggles constantly with the terrible truth behind who and what he is always howling for him to commit evil, but he bears willpower unheard of in most Men. Kind, gentle, caring, and with a great love for, appreciation for, and fascination with all things peaceful, natural, and beautiful, Kye strives to be as good a person as he can... even if it doesn't always work out.
For all his inner evil and intimidating appearance, Kye is awkward in many respects, often rambling his nerves out. He can be a screw-up and manages to be both inhumanly agile when focused and clumsy when nervous. He strives to understand the way the mortals talk and behave, but he isn't always the best at it. Now and then, he even has rare moments of bravery during which he says something smart-mouthed - and then regrets it, just before running away.
No matter how skilled or generally powerful Kye is, he has always lived in fear. Nearly everything frightens him to some degree, even after all he's seen and been through, and he fears constantly for his extremely hard-fought-for life and freedom. Simply put, others call him a coward. He has not yet figured out how to fight this, and in addition to being generally nervous, he often retreats in the face of danger unless thoroughly motivated by enough threats, generally of something he might fear even worse than whatever he's facing.
Born of a demon and a human, Kye is a cambion: he has the capacity to be good and possesses a true soul of his own, unlike other demons. However, this is a constant struggle for him. His true nature as a demonspawn calls out to him always, urging him to give in to his innermost desires and commit atrocities of all kinds - but especially to reach for his true power and embrace the sin of his bloodline... Pain.
Illikon is a city on the brink of war, waiting for a hero to save them. Kye Vakurseth’s job is to assassinate that hero.
Long has Kye studied his target: Sir Tom Drake, the Demon Slayer. Under pressure from his partner, a loyal assassin of the order that holds Kye’s chain, Kye must quickly discover a way to slay the mighty warrior. The kill has to go down perfectly – and soon.
But another problem arises when one of Kye’s most precious possessions is stolen. Constantly hiding and battling his own inhuman nature, and now caught up in the plot of a secret cult trying to summon the same demon Sir Tom Drake once slew, Kye is faced with a choice: will he fulfill his evil contract to kill a noble knight… or act in the name of good, to stop a dark ritual and perhaps even save an innocent life?
Wulfgard: The Demon’s Fang is an exciting standalone novella, a page-turner you’ll want to read in one sitting, to introduce one to the world of Wulfgard and some of its important characters. Although a full story of its own, this novella includes a preview chapter from and leads the reader directly into the novel Wulfgard: Knightfall, the first book in The Prophecy of the Six series: a core series in the Wulfgard universe.
The ebook is free, either for download here, on other platforms, or simply by signing up for my newsletter! Please note that ebooks sold through my site are fulfilled by BookFunnel, so please check your email used during payment after purchasing an ebook.
Few can match the fury of Sir Tom Drake in battle – not even a Demon of Wrath. When Tom killed just such a fiend in single combat, a feat far beyond most mortals, he became the Demon Slayer. To the people of his beloved city of Illikon, Tom is a hero. But his city swears fealty to the Achaean Empire, and to them, he is just another knight.
Enter Sir Scaevius, Left Hand of the Emperor. With war raging against a barbarian alliance massing to the North, Scaevius takes command of Illikon’s armies and orders Tom on a suicide mission. Tom obeys, but not without protest. Soon, he finds himself fighting not only barbarians, but his own superiors as well… and something else.
Something supernatural.
A monster is stalking him: a half man, half beast abomination from legend… a werewolf. It haunts his dreams and even his waking hours, and he starts to suffer blackouts, unsure what is real and what is nightmare. Hated by his superiors, hunted by beasts and assassins, Tom Drake must fight for his home, his life, and even his mind. The events that are about to unfold will change his life, and the world, forever.
A thrilling tale of adventure, dashing heroics, chilling horror, alluring mystery, and exciting battles on both the personal and the grand scale, Knightfall takes you to the edge of your seat on a wild ride set in a dark age heroic fantasy world – a world where all myths are true, and monsters from legend seek to devour Men. Meet the sharply characterized cast, discover a new realm at once dark yet not without light and hope, and return to traditional fantasy in the series The Prophecy of the Six and the world of Wulfgard.
The paperback is 6×9, with 553 pages.
The hardcover is 7×10, with 468 pages.
Books2Read link (please check your favorite stores individually too)!
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