Free Flash Fiction! – Site updates

I will now be posting some of my flash fiction for free here on my website! I may even publish it into free ebook collections eventually.

These are extra-short short stories and/or single interesting scenes set in Wulfgard or Nova Refuge.

You can find the new flash fiction section here!

Currently there is only one flash fiction available on my site, which you can find here, just to reach it faster.

If you want to read my flash fictions as I write them, before they are even edited, you can read them on my Patreon if you are a patron!

I’ve also added a new character page for Damian Deimos, whom you will meet in the upcoming book Wulfgard: The Hunt for the Orb of Death, as well as in various other works, particularly future flash fictions.

More site updates coming soon. Stay tuned!