Ahead of the major release that is Wulfgard: Knightfall in November of this year (still aiming for that!), I have updated the website and rearranged assorted things to prepare for the coming of such an important book.
Firstly, you’ll find the main menu has rearranged… here is what it looks like on desktop:

Consolidated list of menu updates:
- “About” menu drop-down now contains a new “Newsletter” page to more concisely show off my free newsletter (for which you should absolutely sign up)
- “Other” is now “Creations,” a section in which you will find all non-book creations! This includes but is not limited to its current subcategories. Of them, the new pages are Plushies (section coming soon; expect big announcements in the future! And patrons can expect some more updates very soon too), Articles, and Translations
- Under Articles, you’ll find my very popular article on modern day dragon designs; in the future, you will find many other articles there as well. Many will be popular culture oriented.
- Under Translations, you’ll find all my translations of assorted works, including my work in published books (such as Sabine Baring-Gould’s The Book of Werewolves) and my translation of other works such as The Dream of the Rood.
- The Shop is now its own button that takes you directly to the shop page, for easier access (and faster ordering of my books and other future products I will offer there, some coming sooner than you think)
- The Books section is now also easier to access
- Werewolf Facts is now Werewolf Facts & Folklore, with Werewolf Facts included in the drop-down menu along with Werewolf Articles, Vampire Facts, and Other Folklore Facts. This makes the Other Folklore Facts in particular more noticeable and accessible.
There are other updates across the rest of the site, as well! You’ll find some Character pages have been revised with some improved language, though that is a minor update, and I’ve improved the larger category pages as directly linked to when one clicks sections such as Creations and Books.
I’m also planning to post more Free Fiction soon, but that hasn’t happened yet! I do have a major update there in a few months, however.
Even more updates coming very soon as we grow ever closer to the release of Knightfall and its accompanying novella…
But also, you’ll find two new books have made their way into the Upcoming Books section! Be sure you check those out! More news on them both coming very soon, and don’t worry, that isn’t all I have planned in 2025, either… More on that later, though, as right now, 2024 is already a very important year.
Until next time!