Happy New Year’s Eve! – Big Changes, New Focus on BOOKS (fiction & nonfiction)

Happy New Year’s Eve, everyone! I hope everyone had a very merry Christmas, and I wish you a wonderful New Year’s Eve!

It’s 2025, and I am looking forward to everything in store. Firstly, I am announcing a big change to all my regularly-scheduled work…

I am putting all of my Facts series – Werewolf Facts, Vampire Facts, Folklore Facts, and Mythology Facts – on hold until further notice…

So that I can focus on publishing fiction and nonfiction books, including a Werewolf Facts book!

I have many big plans for books in the coming years, and I want to be certain I have time to complete them. Rather than taking the time to research and write smaller blog posts, I will be spending that time writing, editing, and compiling nonfiction reference books on many subjects, including but not exclusively werewolves. My next two goals for nonfiction books are a book of Werewolf Facts and a collection of werewolf folklore stories.

Likewise, of course, I have many plans for fiction, as well. I am tentatively eying January 25th – the day of the full moon of January, the Wolf Moon – as the release date of Knightfall and The Demon’s Fang, after many unexpected delays. After that, I will move on immediately to working on other fiction, as I have been discussing in patron-only posts, including but not limited to the sequel and conclusion to Djedar Rath’s series with The Curse of Ankhu.

I have also been working on revising my personal website to focus very hard on my main subject: werewolves. While I of course won’t write about them exclusively, they are very much my “thing” and my focus, as always. Expect to see big announcements on my website changes very soon, along with the release of my next two books.

As for the changes on the Patreon, you can expect me to continue posting updates on my work and how it’s all going, but you can also expect the Facts series posts to end, for the time being. Tiers will reflect this change, as well as the change to focus on my writing.

ALL CHANGES to the Patreon and the tiers:

  • Packmate ($1) – Removed the reward of access to polls for monthly werewolf/vampire/folklore/mythology facts, as I will no longer be making monthly posts of those and thus no polls.
  • Shadewalker ($5) – Added mention that fiction and/or nonfiction previews and other works may not always be monthly; I will always post about why if I miss a month, such as when working on a major project (like editing a long book). Also clarified that some writing will remain exclusive to this Patreon. I have removed mention of the Writing Diaries series for now, until it actually comes to fruition (we’ll see if that series ever gets to exist or if they’re just special Writing Journals I post occasionally; Deep Dives are definitely staying, though).
  • Mooncaller ($10) – No changes (except to previously-mentioned rewards)
  • Huntmaster ($20) – No changes (except to previously-mentioned rewards)
  • Nightlord ($50) – Added: Upon becoming a patron, you will receive a signed paperback copy of Wulfgard: The Prophecy of the Six, Book I – Knightfall! (you may opt out of this)
  • Apex Predator ($100) – Same as Nightlord (receive a paperback copy of Knightfall upon joining, with option to opt out), and the ability to download my ebooks for free via the Patreon shop has also returned

Please note of course that KNIGHTFALL IS NOT YET RELEASED, so new and old patrons will not yet receive any copies of the book. Likewise, The Demon’s Fang is not yet published, and is not yet available through my newsletter or anywhere else. These things will happen after the books are completed and published (soon!).

I’m very excited about these changes. They should give me much more time and freedom to work on books at a steadier rate, release them sooner, and release more nonfiction as well as continuing my fiction… not to mention, on the side, making more plushies and printed Wulfgard LEGO figures, both of which I also really want to do!

I will be spending today celebrating with my family, but after that, it’s time for me to get back to work, and I have so much in store…

See you in 2025!