February 23, 2022

I love werewolves so much, you guys. I can’t even convey it to you. Really, I can’t. I’ve fallen into a feverish mood of just how much I love werewolves working on this post and how badly it rends my soul that they are portrayed so poorly across almost all media – and how the…

February 10, 2022

Hi, all. Hope you’re doing well! I just wanted to post a quick little update about a few things… First of all, I have deleted my AO3 account. I know several people followed me there and read my work. I apologize profusely for having to delete it, but I did so for personal reasons. The…

January 31, 2022

You’ve seen the blog series, now it’s time for the book! That’s right, Werewolf Facts is getting published! It’s been years since I started my Werewolf Facts series, which has essentially become my branding, and it’s become so popular beyond my wildest dreams that it’s high time I announced my plans to publish a cohesive…

January 31, 2022

This was an ask response on my Tumblr where I do most of my folklore blogging, but it was popular enough there that I figured I should post it here, too! okeketochi1 asked: Usually  when referring to werewolves people tackle them in a pretty broad  scope. Referring to Le Lobizon, the loup-garou, King lycaon, etc…but…

January 20, 2022

I present to you this month’s folklore fact – a vampire fact this time (werewolves will come around again next month, don’t worry)! The winner of this month’s poll is a fact on vampire intelligence, so let’s get right to it. How smart are vampires in folklore? Are they the super smart suave immortal beings…

December 8, 2021

It’s a new series – it’s werewolf reviews! I’m going to start reviewing various werewolves across many forms of media. Movies, TV shows, video games… and I’m always looking for werewolves in video games, namely ones that don’t suck. I never really found time to do this or motivation to write these kinds of posts/reviews,…

November 1, 2021

Hello, everyone! There’s a new year not far around the corner! It’s the busiest time of year for me – and probably everyone else – and I have finally decided how to arrange the future of my werewolf/folklore blog, in particular what I run on Tumblr (and crosspost here and elsewhere). I have been trying…

October 31, 2021

It’s that time of year when the things I love the most get noticed and celebrated at least a little by everybody else (even though corporations still hate creating typical Halloween products that actually include werewolves; seriously go check your local department store, it’s been this way since I was a tiny tiny child)… Happy…

September 27, 2021

I’m finally doing something I’ve always wanted to do – I now have my own fully in-character roleplaying server in the video game Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition! What does that mean? It means there’s now a big privately hosted public server you can hop into and start roleplaying immediately! Go check out NWN EE on…